For all of our fellow Explorateurs that spend far too much time at the airport (though we know there is a part of you that secretly likes it), we've got a cool new tool to share with you. #BOARDING is a new Twitter-based app that helps you find other travelers within the airport who perhaps want to share a taxi, have tips about the destination you're traveling to, or may have some good insight on the best shops and food within the terminal. Chances are if they're using it, they travel just as much as you so you're bound to be in good company.

How does it work? Best part- just log on to your Twitter account, tweet #boarding and the 3 letter code of the airport (example #boarding LHR) and you'll get a reply in minutes with links to the other Twitter users nearby.

#boarding plans to soon send around its own list of great tips to airports around the world, discounts at shops and F&B outlets and more to make your airport stay more comfortable.

Want to check out more? Log on to and check out who's where around the world. Enjoy!
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